terça-feira, 2 de setembro de 2014

                                            New Year's in USA

Already the biggest party animal part is celebrated mainly in New York, a traditional feast called "The Ball Drop" (the fall of the ball, literally translated). It is a party that happens in the middle of Times Square, where people expect a huge ball, which is built to do just that, go down slowly from the top to the bottom of the central building, which will midnight and everyone will embrace.

  People around the world go to New York just to attend the event memorable, not to mention the music and famous singers who go through there.

Already who can not go there to watch in person, you on television.
Another tradition is toasting champagne singing the Scottish song "Auld Lang Syne", which talks about friendship.

A food that they eat there is the pig, which means willingness to move forward.

Remember that the United States is a land of immigrants. Who have other cultures, usually celebrates the way you find convenient.

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Ano Novo em New York. Nem todos americanos curtem os fogos de artifício e festa de Ano Novo em Nova Iorque. Aqueles que pensam que americanos somente curtem ...
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