segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015

Five things about my city:

* The name of my town is Gurapuava;

* City of the current winner of the BBB 15, (Cesar Lima);
*Has the Cathedral which is called Bethlehem Our Lady;
* Among the most famous city parks is the Lagoon of Tears which is the oldest;
* Among the tourist spots we can highlight the Jordan Park and the ix Square (9) in December that Christmas becomes the Santa Square.

terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2015

5 to 6 blocks has a supermarket.

On the 6 or 7 streets have a one bakery

3 blocks has a shop of women's clothing.
The bottles are in the box.

The doll behind the bed.

The girls on the bike.

The cat is next to the rabbit.

The cat in front of the box.

The house on the corner of street.

The cat between the dog's.

The boy across from the table.